jason wamsganz

Jason Wamsganz

Insurance Agency Owner

About Jason's expertise

Jason Wamsganz is the owner of Partners Insurance and created the agency in 2009. He is a licensed insurance agent for Property and Casualty Insurance as well as Life Insurance. He has 18 years experience in the insurance industry.

He began his career in commercial insurance underwriting where he gained knowledge of how to read and interpret complex insurance coverages.

After becoming an agent and working for an insurance company he knew he wanted to start his own independent brokerage and have the ability to offer more than one option.

Since the start of the agency, he and his staff have managed over 7,000 insurance policies. He focuses heavily on creating value to clients by helping them make an informed decision when it comes to purchasing auto, home and business insurance.

He has served on serveral insurance company commitee's including Encompass Insurance and Missouri Employers Mutual. In these roles he helped to provide valuable insight into developing the best insurance policies possible.

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Finance from Missouri Western University. Outside of work, Jason enjoys Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, spending time with his wife and three kids and coaching kids sports.

Jason has been featured on Divorce Lending Association, LLC.

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